
How do you write numbers in different languages
How do you write numbers in different languages

how do you write numbers in different languages how do you write numbers in different languages

These are normally referred to as "irregular" verbs. You might also choose to change the word entirely to match the subject and action of the sentence.

how do you write numbers in different languages

In French, "Je nage" can mean "I swim" or "I am swimming." You may also want to add a word to distinguish between between words like "swim" and "swimming." However, some languages, like French, don’t do this.This was a tremendous piece of luck because it enabled scholars to unlock the hieroglyphic code and without the stone, we. For instance, if you wanted to say that a person or thing likes something in the present tense in English, you would say "I like," "you like," "He/she likes," "It likes," "We like," or "They like." In this example, you can see that the verb "to like" is altered by adding an ‘s’ on the end for pronouns that are third person singular, such as he, she, and it. In 1799 a French captain named Pierre Bouchard discovered the Rosetta Stone which was carved with the same text in two languages, Egyptian and Greek, and three writing systems, hieroglyphic, demotic, and the Greek alphabet.Decide if you want to alter the verbs in your language by adding sounds to them, like prefixes or suffixes, to indicate who is speaking and when the action of the sentence took place. In most languages, verbs change depending on the subject and tense of the sentence. Figure out how to use verbs to build sentences.

How do you write numbers in different languages